Not Verified / Unverfified
02 December 2008

I'm a blogger and I have adsense, adbrite, entrecard and so on account which requires you to have an account on Paypal, so it will be easy for you to transfer and received money on the online world. So I decided to register for a account on Paypal since I have my own bank account which is one of the requirement of paypal to be able to use the services they offer. I tried putting the desired numbers they needed to verify the account I am using. I almost try all cards that I have, and still it is unverified. So I think there are problems on the bank itself. When I withdraw for my tuition I noticed that my balance is not right. I asked my self "Nababawasan ba talaga ng P100 pesos every withdraw process?" and still I am wondering why I'm losing almost P200 on my balance. So I decided to list all the deposits and withdrawals that I have made, and decided to go to the bank to ask some question regarding my account. They printed a copy about my transactions made and notice the "Paypal" appeared on it. It causes $1 - 49.98php. I made 4 transaction which is equal to $4 - 200php. I was really curious about that. I never thought the transactions I've made to verify my account has fee's. And still my account is still NOT VERIFIED/UNVERIFIED. I am so disappointed about it.

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